Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?, 09.09.2024: Summary

Behind us:

Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?

organized by MMC.

Bartosz Wyżykowski, PhD, attorney-at-law, DLK Legal Partner, presented the speech:

The best practices in reviewing and aligning ICT contracts with DORA

The speech discussed, among other things:

  • Proper management of supplier relationships subsequent to DORA based on the RTS
  • The supplier perspective. Preparing the supplier for DORA. How to meet the requirements?
  • IT aspects in outsourcing contracts – requirements and practice

Krzysztof Korus, PhD, attorney-at-law, DLK Legal Partner, presented the speech:

DORA compliance

The speech discussed, among other things:

  • How to demonstrate compliance with DORA?

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Krzysztof Korus
attorney-at-law, partner Krzysztof Korus

Bartosz Wyżykowski
attorney-at-law, partner Bartosz Wyżykowski

Proposed posts

Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?, 09.09.2024: Summary


Behind us: Evolution or revolution - how to manage cloud and outsourcing in lig...

Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?, 09.09.2024: Summary

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Recommended: Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?, 09.09.2024, online


On behalf of the Organizers and ourselves, we recommend the event: Evolution or...

Recommended: Evolution or revolution – how to manage cloud and outsourcing in light of DORA and NIS2?, 09.09.2024, online

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